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Tag Archives: pat down

Airport Body Scanners – Are They a Risk?

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airport body scanners x-ray image of heavyset woman from the back. She has a handgun hidden in her waistband. The  background is black, and her image is a light blue and is shadowy.

You’ve been looking forward to this day for months.  You’re at the airport, and you are ready to board a flight that will take you to your rented yacht.  You finally proceed to begin your Virgin Islands yacht charter vacation.  As you pass through the new airport body scanner, it crosses your mind that you may be concerned about the radiation and what this exposure could mean for you.
Some researchers agree.


We are very concerned about that being imposed on travelers,” says Dr. Robert Stroud, a  professor of biophysics at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).  In a letter sent to the White House, Stroud and his researchers shared their concerns.  “I don’t think we do know what risk we are taking. X-rays are intrinsically ionizing radiation. They damage human tissue,” says Stroud.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the Federal Government assure the public that passing through the body scanner is safe. A TSA spokesperson even stated, “We consider it a miniscule amount of radiation.”


The scientists at UCSF  believe that it is time for outside scientists to take a closer look at airport body scanners and their risk.

I do think it is time for an independent investigation that really allows people to understand what the risk is that they take going through the scanner,” says Stroud.


If you have a concern about the exposure to x-rays coming from the body scanner, simply opt for the pat down,” says Sheeder.  “When you are on your way to enjoy a luxury yacht charter in the islands, the last thing you need is more travel-related stress!


In conclusion, do you believe airport body scanners pose a risk to you when you travel?  Please share your comments with us at

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