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Tag Archives: Novovirus

Ask the Pros: Are Private Yacht Charter Boats As Safe As Cruise Ships?

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“My neighbor recently rented a boat with a crew for a family vacation in the Virgin Islands. It sounds like fun but I wonder if it’s safer to take a cruise on a big ship.  Any thoughts that might sway me? Thanks.”

Marilyn W, Miami, FL

Great question, Marilyn. In our opinion, private yachts are actually safer.

Cruise ships visit numerous ports of call (often referred to as, “tourist traps”).  It’s no secret that pickpockets and other petty-theft criminals prey on unsuspecting tourists in these busy tourist areas.  Private yachts tend to stay away from these hot spots, and since the yachts are smaller, they can anchor in small, quiet, uncrowded coves.

Speaking of crowds, there are hundreds, sometimes thousands, of strangers onboard a cruise ship. We’ve all seen the news reports about Norovirus breakouts on cruise ships. In their defense, the cruise lines are diligent in cleaning their vessels, but with so many people onboard, it’s a tough task.  That’s not the case on a Virgin Island yacht charter vessel – the only people onboard are you and your private crew.

Children jumping off of the back of a sailboat into the ocean

In terms of training, both the crews on cruise ships and private yachts are trained to international standards in case of the rare chance of an onboard emergency.  Remember – the crew on a private yacht has to attend to the yacht’s owner when charter guests are not onboard. It is a safe bet that most yacht owners want the finest professionals operating their yachts!


What do you think?  Do you agree with our opinion?  Are private yachts safer than cruiseships?  Please comment below.  We’d love to hear from you!




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