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Tag Archives: Gratitude

Happiest of Holidays to our Luxury Yacht Charter Family

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Photos. Palm trees in center of image. Top left is a motoryacht coming into the center. Top right is a sailboat. Bottom right is a motoraycht underway, heading toward the lower left side of the photo. Bottom left photo is a poinsettia plant sitting on the sand with the words Happy Holidays written in script across it.


At this wonderful time of the year, we at SailAway Yacht Charter Consultants and 1-800 Yacht Charters wish our “yacht charter family” of discriminating clients, superyacht owners, professional crew members, management professionals, vendors, corporate and special event attendees, personal assistants, agents, concierges, and EVERYONE with whom we’ve had the privilege and honor to work and spend time with this year, a very happy holiday season. 


We are eternally grateful to you for your patronage, readership, comments, suggestions, and interest in our offerings.  Whether superyacht charters, renting a private yacht, bareboat charter, or yacht charters in locations such as Greece, the Virgin Islands, St. Barts, or the French or Italian Riviera.  Further, Ibiza, the Bahamas, New England, or anywhere else in the world.  We SINCERELY appreciate you. 



Thank you for being in our lives and for helping us to make a difference in this world. In addition, for being valuable members of Team SailAway, 1-800 Yacht Charters,, and The SailAway Group.  Here’s to a wonderful year and future ahead for all.



*  Happy Holidays  *  Merry Christmas  *  Happy Winter Solstice  *  Happy Kwanzaa  *  Feliz

Navidad  *  Happy Hanukkah and Thanksgivukkah *  Buone Feste   *  Joyeuses Fêtes  *  Hag Sameach  *

Felices Fiestas  *  Trevlig Helg  *  Boas Festas  *  Mutlu Bayramlar  *  Sarbatori Fericite  *

*  Jie Ri Yu Kuai  *  Bones Festes  *  Tanoshii kurisumasu wo  * Ii holide eximnandi  *

*  Forhe Feiertage  *  Prettige feestdagen  *  Hau’oli Lanui  *  Beannachtaí na Féile  *

*  Vesele Praznike  *  Selamat Hari Raya  *  Sretni praznici  *  QISmaS DatIvjaj  *

*  Shinnen omedeto  *  Kurisumasu Omedeto  *   

*  veselykh prazdnikov  *  Gozhqq Keshmish  *  shèngdàn kuàilè  * 

*  Kalá hristúyenna  *  Ya’at’eeh Keshmish  *   Bonu nadale  *   Feliz Natal  *


In conclusion, we are just eternally grateful to you.




Jana L. Sheeder
President and Owner
SailAway Yacht Charter Consultants and
1-800 Yacht Charters
Delivering The Superyacht Experience™ Since 1976 and
Facebook:  Jana Sheeder
Twitter:     yacht_charters
Instagram:  1800yachtcharters
LinkedIn:  Jana Sheeder

Creators of the phrase and concept, The Superyacht Experience™

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It’s Random Acts of Kindness Week  #RAKWeek – Spread the Kindness

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Logo with animated dog under umbrella that says Random Acts of Kindness Week



The week of February 14-20 is your chance to ramp up the idea of “being kind” as the world celebrates Random Acts of Kindness Week, 2016.  Let’s extend Random Acts of Kindness Week!!!



Created by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, the week-long event is a way for all of us to “…step up your acts of kindness, be loud with your generosity, and commit to being a better person throughout the year. We believe kindness is a daily practice, but this is a week to celebrate and inspire others to join you.”



There are soooo many things we can do, and sooo many ways to get involved.  All it takes is a bit of time — and a big heart!



  • Smile at or wave to a stranger
  • Hand a cold drink to a police officer directing traffic
  • Compliment a parent on how well-behaved his/her child is
  • Defend someone who’s being unfairly bashed on the internet
  • Put your phone away when you’re at dinner or having a conversation
  • Compliment an employee to his/her boss
  • Donate that bag of clothing items that you really didn’t want to part with yet…
  • Let a person with just a few items check out in front of you at the store
  • Write a thank you note on paper – the snail mail kind – and send it!
  • Give an unexpected gratuity to an employee who’s gone above and beyond for you
  • Write a nice comment on a random blog
  • Say thank you to a postal carrier
  • Give a tip to a janitor because the cleanliness is appreciated and made your day
  • Buy an extra umbrella and give it to someone in need when it’s raining
  • Do something nice and remain anonymous!
  • Buy lemonade from kids’ lemonade stands – and compliment them (always)
  • Change your phone’s alert ringtone to Temple Bells, and every time the bell chimes, state something for which you are grateful (Jana Sheeder calls these bells, “Gratitude Bells“)



From yesterday:

We were inspecting private yacht charter vessels at the inaugural Superyacht Miami Show, when I noticed our company President, Jana Sheeder, bent over picking something up on the docks.  A few minutes later, I saw her do it again.  I asked her what she was doing, and she proceeded to lay a handful of objects out on the dock for us to see.  It was small items of debris – a used book of matches, some plastic, a metal bolt, and more. “Any of these objects could end up in the water, possibly harming the marine environment or adding to our problems with plastic pollution at sea.  It only took a couple of moments to stop and pick these items up and try to make a difference.

Miscellaneous trash items found on dock of yacht marina laid out on the top of a metal dock box







Suddenly, I found myself looking down as I walked along the dock, hoping I too could “chip in” and do my small part…   Generosity and kindness are contagious, and it feels so good to do random things for others and for our community!



Need a little more motivation to jump feet-first into Random Act of Kindness Week?  Sign the online “Kindness Pledge,” and you’ll be on your way to inspire others to do their part in making a kinder world for everyone.

SIGN the pledge here:




We’d love to hear your suggestions of Random Acts of Kindness. Please leave them in the comments section for others to follow your lead in kind acts!

Have a kinder, generous week everyone…  Thank you for making a difference and for being the change with us!

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Om into Spring on a Luxury Yacht Charter

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Photo of a sandy beach with the word, gratitude, written in the sand. The waves are approaching the word. White waves, then teal water, then dark blue water, with an island in the background. The photo was taken iwith a round lens.


I stumbled across a wonderful blog the other day.  I wanted to share it with the SailAway Yacht Charter and 1-800 Yacht Charters readers.  It’s so important to focus on gratitude in our lives.  Even when aboard a magnificent superyacht for the vacation of a lifetime.  It is important to remain grounded (no pun intended) and to be grateful for our privileges. Remember to practice Random Acts of Kindness daily, also.
Jana Sheeder, President, SailAway Yacht Charter Consultants and 1-800 Yacht Charters



Credit to Monique Minahan ( for the special blog that makes us all think. In addition, it reminds us to be grateful.  



<<  In this busy world that we live in, I think it is very important for our body AND mind, that we practice skills such as Yoga. We need time to decompress, relax and unwind, and for the most part, people would agree that Yoga can do this. When we are able to relax our body, even though it is still working to get into specific poses, it is a great time for us to stop and think of the many things that we are grateful for. Sometimes it is a person, sometimes it is an object that helps us, sometimes it is an emotion that we feel….and the list goes on and on! I think that moving our bodies in different ways, is beneficial to our health, and also taking time to stop and think about all of the things we should be grateful for, by either writing them down, or verbally acknowledging our appreciation, will help us lead more valuable lives. Who knew how powerful two little words could be….”THANK” and “YOU”

How to Cultivate Gratitude Through Yoga

Our yoga practice is a multifaceted gem. It’s like a prism that reflects a different color depending on how the light hits it. Our practice can reflect back to us different emotions, feelings, or thoughts depending on how we approach it.

Yoga can draw out parts of ourselves we know exist but have difficulty accessing at times, such as strength, flexibility, balance, trust, love, and gratitude.

These are often physical traits we tap into on our yoga mat. Interestingly, we often find after practicing that we have access to them on a mental and emotional level as well. >>



<< I first noticed this transformative quality of yoga while practicing backbends. The steadiness and strength they require revealed to me the power and the past housed in my back body. The more I allowed this opening process physically, the more I was able to allow myself to open more fully to the people in my life. Seeing this natural evolution, I started adding intention to the mix.

I often bring to my backbend practice people or situations I’m having difficulty “loving.” I visualize them through my practice and try to allow myself to soften and open to them mentally as I soften and open physically.

I’ve been able to transform how I relate to many challenging relationships in this way.  >>



<< Gratitude is a powerful quality we can develop deeply through yoga. This is especially helpful when we experience times in our lives where we don’t feel so grateful. Maybe our lives or loves just fell apart and we don’t feel grateful for anything.

This is when our yoga practice can help.

Great gratitude comes ultimately from a place of great humility. Replacing expectation with awe, we see the world through childlike eyes. Everything is a gift, everything is alive, everything is thrilling.

We let the quality of life fill us up instead of the quantity. >>



<< In yoga poses it’s easy to forget the quality aspect sometimes also. The quality of our breath, the quality of our skin, the quality of our heartbeat.

In poses that require strength, when we simultaneously relax our hearts, minds, and bodies into the muscles that are holding us up, it feels vulnerable. It also feels liberating, delicious, and open.

We now have a fertile space for true gratitude. Gratitude for our bodies, for our minds, for our lives, for the floor that supports us and the air that inspires us.

In that space we can plant seeds of gratitude, love, trust – whatever we need in our lives. We can notice where we are taking things for granted and we can connect with the whole part of ourselves that allows us to give freely.  >>



Developing a quality of gratitude can infuse our lives with deep peace and joy. I like making gratitude lists, especially on occasions like birthdays. Try it on your next birthday. Make a list of the 20 or 35 or 45 things you’re grateful for.

Dig deep for gratitude and you will often find gold. It’s always right in front of us, but we can’t always see it through the dust of daily life that makes it look ordinary and unimportant.

I leave you with this gratitude poem and a sweet gratitude practice by Jeanie Manchester  >>


I am grateful for my limits
that teach me patience and pace

I am grateful for challenge, defeat, and loss

They teach me hope is not a light at the end of the dark tunnel
It’s the ember burning within me that I forgot to fan

I am grateful to my teachers
for introducing me to myself

I am grateful for my past
that has delivered me to my present

I am grateful for all I have found and all I have lost
Both remind me I can live with and without

I am grateful for silence and for laughter
And for my ears that can hear both

I am grateful to my heart
that beats and breaks and heals

I am grateful for the fullness of my life
For the brief, heartbreaking, heartwarming fullness of life.


I highly recommend Jeanie Manchester’s Gratitude Flow as a practice for cultivating gratitude. Enjoy!   >>

Monique Minahan is a writer, yogi, and lover of life. She’s inspired by nature’s simplicity and the healing power of love. She finds true liberation in living life fully from the inside out. Her intention is to offer her heart to the world through words that motivate, inspire, and encourage. You can visit her at her blog, >> 

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Seabirds Eating Plastic At Alarming Rate

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National Academy of Sciences Report

The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America has released a disturbing study detailing the threat of plastic pollution in the ocean, and its impact on seabirds.  Plastic trash is found in 90 percent of seabirds. The rate is growing steadily as global production of plastics increases.

According to the Academy, the “Threat of plastic pollution to seabirds is global, pervasive, and increasing.”

seabird surrounded by plastic and trash in yacht charter destination



The areas of impact facing the greatest threats are the southern boundary of the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans.



Plastic found inside birds includes bottle caps, plastic shopping bags, and tiny pieces the size of rice that have been broken down by the sun and waves.



After reading the study’s abstract, Jana Sheeder, President of 1-800 Yacht Charters commented on the health impact facing the seabirds.  “Living along the coast of South Florida, I have seen the small plastic pieces of plastic that wash up into our mangroves and our shoreline,” says Sheeder.  “The wildlife rescue groups that we support tell us sharp-edged plastic pieces can kills birds by punching holes in their internal organs. Some seabirds eat so much plastic, there is little room in their stomachs for food.  Lack of food affects their body weight and jeopardizes their health.”



Sheeder echoes the concerns of scientists and environmentalists:  “At current levels, virtually every seabird will be consuming plastic by 2050.  If we don’t address this issue, we are looking at a major contributing factor to the possible extinction of many seabird species. We can’t let that happen.”  



Sheeder feels her yachting industry can do more in terms of effective waste management to reduce the threat.  “Almost all of the yachts we represent for private yacht charter vacations have the onboard capability to generate fresh drinking water. Now, when our clients request plastic bottled water to be placed onboard prior to their charter, we encourage them to forgo plastic and drink the yacht’s purified water.”



In lieu of plastic water bottles, Sheeder even offers her clients complimentary reusable beverage containers.

Jana Sheeder, President of 1-800 Yacht Charters poses with garbage bag during bay cleanup

Jana Sheeder, President of 1-800 Yacht Charters, cleaning plastic and debris from coastline near her home in South Florida



Sheeder is confident the tide can be turned. “The report by the National Academy of Sciences paints a grim future.  Consequently, it also points out that effective waste management can reduce the threat.  Protecting our future means preserving the marine environment and promoting responsibility onboard our yachts, in the seas, and along our shores.”



Sheeder further comments, “Everyone can do something.  Even just one thing every day.  It’s not hard to take that extra moment to help another. Many prefer to stick their heads in the sand rather than being role models and making a difference.”






She encourages others to be the change and leave all areas better than you found them. Additionally, pick up trash. Properly dispose of your own trash.  Moreover, give back to the environment, to animals, and to others.  Subsequently, practice random acts of kindness (RAK’s) to people, animals, your community, and the environment.  Finally, show your #Gratitude for the beauty of the wildlife and joy that they give you by protecting them. Use reusable totebags (versus plastic shopping bags) and be a 1-800 Yacht Charters Eco Hero!



Calling all eco heroes!   Comment on this post and include your email address.  Expect contact from us.  We immediately send your own customized totebag.  Be  an #eco-hero with us!

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Thank You For Your Generosity

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Today, September 15, 2016 is National Thank You Day.  It strikes us that something so ubiquitous creates the perfect opportunity to reach out to you, our clients and friends, and express our appreciation.

Fountain pen with writing of words, Thank you

Your continued patronage and confidence in our services is deeply appreciated.


We remind ourselves everyday how blessed we are to Deliver the Superyacht Experience to you and your families.







Over the years, we witness your good works.  You are driven by sustainability and the greater social good.  Your chartered yacht is a platform to an eco-friendly adventure.  In addition, it is a chance to reconnect with your family and friends.  Additionally, you embrace diverse cultures and will rejuvenate mind, body, and spirit.



Most importantly, we are humbled by your kindness.  You have fully embraced our mission to build our business for generosity.  As we have made donations to charities around the world in your name, we  never expected so many of you to further participate and add, and in many cases match, our donations with additional donations of your own.



You are the backbone of the 1-800 Yacht Charter community. Your support helps us flourish, and in return, we have been able to touch the lives of so many people and animals in need –  from helping school children’s charities in remote villages, to installing buoys to protect coral reefs and marine life.


Little girl smiling at camera - seated at table for meal at school



Our vision statement is, and remains simple:  Charter a Yacht And Change the World.  Thank you for never letting us lose sight of that dream…

As we end each of our email messages, we’ll close this blog with our standard valediction,

“With Appreciation…”



Thanks to WFP and photo of little girl in Bolivia by Boris Heger



In conclusion, find out how much better a yacht charter company can be!  We prove ourselves to clients.  For instance, we have 35+ years’ expertise, passion for yachting, and compelling sense of purpose to work for you.  Come enjoy The Superyacht Experience™ as only 1-800 Yacht Charters can deliver.  Moreover, you deserve pampering and relaxation. Book a yacht charter with 1-800 Yacht Charters today at

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What’s Open Memorial Day Weekend?  Plenty to Do on 3-Day Newport Yacht Charter

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Memorial Day became a federal holiday in the USA in 1971.   This National holiday is a day to honor the men and women who have died while serving in the military.  It is the floating date of the “last Monday in May” to create a 3-day long weekend.



Non-essential government offices and banks are closed on Memorial Day.  Most commercial and tourism-related venues are open.  Memorial Day Weekend is the unofficial kickoff for the summer vacation season.  MOST public beaches, state and national parks, sports venues, restaurants are open.  In addition, amusement parks, dockside cafes, boardwalks, and public marinas are open, as well.



For many boaters, especially those folks in #NewEngland, Memorial Day weekend is also the first opportunity to enjoy warmer weather at sea.  Many private yacht charter vessels arrive in Newport, Rhode Island by late May. They accept 3-night bookings over the Memorial day weekend.


Marthas Vineyard private yacht marina boardwalk

A long weekend in New England is perfect for boating.  Picture this.  Arrive at noon on Friday in Newport.  Get underway for a short cruise to Martha’s Vineyard. Arrive in time for sunset and cocktails on your superyacht’s sundeck.


Wake up to delicious breakfast on Saturday.  Choose your adventures. For example, explore the islands, swim, or enjoy your yacht’s water toys. For instance, waverunners, stand-up paddleboards, sup’s, glass bottomed kayaks, wakeboards, jet skis, etc.



Special note:  MANY New England crewed yacht charter vessels have installed projection screens on deck so guests can enjoy an open-air movie night under the stars!  No better way to spend family time…loved ones, snacks, and movies under a beautiful evening sky?  Yes, please!



Superyacht cinema projection screen on sun deck

Sunday begins a short cruise to Nantucket island.  You enjoy this famous island’s lighthouses most of the day.  Rent scooters.  Circle the beautiful island. Visit the whaling museum.  Enjoy a tasting at the #Nantucket #Vineyard and Distillery.  Ah, so much to do!



Leave Monday for your return to Newport and enjoying all this beautiful seaside town has to offer. Shopping is superb in Newport – from jewelry to art to anything with a #nautical theme.  Most of the shops are open on Memorial Day.


For active charterers, we suggest walking or riding a bike along the 3-mile Cliff Walk, which separates Newport’s famous turn-of-the-century mansions from the sea.  Many of the mansions are also open for public tours, including the #Breakers, the #Elms, and #Rosecliff.  These are not to be missed!

3 mansions on an oceanside cliff













Whatever plans you have for Memorial Day weekend, remember to spend a few moments to be grateful to and remember those who bravely gave their lives in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. #gratitude #heroes #thankyou #memorialday



Click here to learn more about planning your very own (The) Superyacht Experience.

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