Sardinia Luxury Tax on Mediterranean Yacht Charter Vessels Abolished

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The Pay It Forward and Random Acts of Kindness are critical and a part of everyday life to the team at 1-800 Yacht Charters, led by Jana Sheeder, President.
“It’s wonderful to be a part of a huge Kindness effort,” says Sheeder.
That said, Hollywood filmmaker James Cameron has bequeathed his DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submarine. T lucky recipient is The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts. The sub helps researchers there better understand life in Earth’s last unexplored frontier.
Last January, we profiled the profiled the epic attempt by three teams of modern-day explorers to reach the ocean’s deepest point – the first attempt in over 50 years. One team was lead by Cameron, another by British entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, owner of the 32 meter (111 foot) luxury yacht charter vessel NECKER BELLE, and a third team by a Florida sub manufacturer, Patrick Lahey.
In March, 2012, Cameron bested Branson and the underdog Lahey in a race to be the first explorer of the ocean deadliest trench in half a century. Cameron plunged about seven miles to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific ocean. Specifically where temperatures are near freezing and the bone-crushing pressure is one thousand times greater than that at sea level.
Cameron donated the sub. But that’s not all. Additionally, Cameron will give nearly $1 million to help WHOI scientists and engineers. The funds enable them to avail the sub’s technology for deep-sea exploration.
“We’ve been sure to fund this enough that there are enough people and resources available to write this up, publish it, and therefore have it available,” Cameron said during a recent roundtable discussion in New York City with WHOI scientists. “To me, that’s an infinitely better outcome than [the sub] sitting dormant until I’m done with my next two movies, and maybe it comes to the tech community five or six years down the line when it’s already obsolete.”
This entry was posted in Yacht Charter News Special Events Educational and tagged James Cameron, submarine donation, Pacific Ocean, Mariana Trench, WHOI scientists, Deepsea Challenger, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Patrick Lahey, catamaran yacht charter, Richard Branson, pay it forward, Necker Belle, Hollywood
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I like blog! Pay it Forward is improtant thing to do each day. Day is not compleet witout doing this thing.
Jana Sheeder
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments, Thad. I could not agree more. Paying it Forward and practicing Random Acts of Kindness are CRITICAL to living a fulfilling life.
1-800 Yacht Charters makes a difference and gives back to the ocean or to needy in the area of charter WITH EVERY SINGLE CHARTER, in the charterer’s name. We’d love to have you join us in making a difference!
We also promote reusable drinking containers to all clients and provide them to clients to use. Every thing that we can do to help the environment and to care about others.
Jana Sheeder
1-800 Yacht Charters and 1-800 Bareboat
…since 1976