Sardinia Luxury Tax on Mediterranean Yacht Charter Vessels Abolished

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The working vacation: one report estimates that 30% of employees do office work while on vacation.
Sure, you can call it an oxymoron, but in reality, many corporate executives mix business with pleasure when spending time away from the office.
Increasingly, the largest yachts available for luxury mega yacht charter are being designed with the business traveler in mind – whether it’s via a small desk to check emails, or a complete media room for meetings and conferences.
The most common design is an area adjacent to the master cabin, which can serve as both an office or a sitting room.
The least common, but starting to appear in more and more superyachts is the dedicated meeting center. Normally not part of the master suite, these dedicated media spaces are often on a separate deck, with room for conducting business and holding meetings or small conferences.
Whether formal or casual in design, most office spaces onboard yachts feature built-in internet connections, video screens, storage space, and most importantly – privacy.
Let’s look at some modern onboard office areas:
Motoryacht MI SUENO – the study is part of the owner’s suite and features comfort, privacy, and the latest in technology.
Motoryacht SIREN – situated forward on the yacht’s main deck is the master suite. Attached is a private office which can be converted into a nanny’s stateroom with a double Pullman berth.
Motoryacht TURQUOISE – connected to the owner’s cabin, the office seems small in comparison to other yachts. What makes the room with desk so charming is the upright piano.
Remember to always focus on wellness. Take a technology break on vacation. You owe it to yourself to rest, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your labors!
Plan your next corporate retreat on a private yacht. Contact our executive meeting specialists HERE today.
This entry was posted in Yacht Charter Educational and tagged office with piano, Siren, technology on vacation, technology break, working vacation, floating office, motoryacht charter, wellness vacation, yachts with office, Turquoise, owners office, Mi Sueno
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